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An investment deployed in housing, roads, clean water, electricity, ports, airports, rail, and telecom networks, which are the conduits of trade and mobility, is an investment to meet physiological needs. Infrastructures remain the fundamental facilities and systems required to sustainably support the physiological needs of the current 7.7 billion and
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The challenge for project financing is securing the required capital. Typically, four significant evergreen sources are available to explore – public, private, partnerships, and project financing. Now there is a 5th model, Infrafintech. The global infrastructure needs exceed traditional funding requirements, and the conventional sources of financing are expected to
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Banks, insurance companies and private pensions hold over $77 trillion in assets under management seeking bankable projects and over $43 trillion with other Institutional investors globally, not counting hedge funds. It is abundantly clear that “everyone around the world is having the same nightmare” because the infrastructure needs exceed traditional